Our Branches
Albany branch is one of our most recently formed branches to be established in the Women in Farming organisation.
An information day was held in June 2023 inviting women from around the greater Albany region, to attend and hear about the organisation - Women in Farming.
Following this, an official meeting has been held in early August and the Albany branch has now formed.
For more information about joining Women in Farming Albany, contact the branch .
Boyup Brook branch covers higher rainfall farm enterprises primarily with a mixture of beef cattle, sheep for wool & meat production, together with a focus growing grass, grains and fodder.
Membership has grown strongly and is an enthusiastic group with a range of ages, stages and experience who constantly learn from each other and provide a supportive and encouraging network within the community. Several members travel from the southern most end of our Shire which adds a diversity all enjoy.
Back to Basics meetings are balanced with speakers, experiences in the paddock and the branch has attended several great courses being offered in the area. Creche facilities are provided.
For more information about joining Women in Farming Boyup Brook, contact the branch .
The Cranbrook Women in Farming branch was formed in 2014 and has continuously increased in number. It currently attracts members from the Great Southern Region including Cranbrook, Tambellup, Kendenup, Frankland, Plantagenet and Gnowangerup.
Cranbrook branch meetings are held every second month and in 2017 it was decided to trial holding our meetings at a different winery within the region. This will allow us to hold our meetings first with either a general discussion or guest speaker, followed by lunch and a chance to socialise with other members.
Great discussion has come out of meetings and members have enjoyed having a number of guest speakers travel to address the group.
The branch is lucky enough to have the services of the local day care open to accommodate those children that are in need of care during meetings, allowing a number of mums to attend.
New members are welcome and membership is open to women of all ages. For more information about joining Women in Farming Cranbrook, email the branch.
The Dryandra branch held its inaugural meeting on 7th August 2017. The branch attracts an inspiring group of women from across towns including Cuballing, Popanyinning, Pingelly, Wickepin, Narrogin, Highbury and Williams.
Members are all from diverse agricultural entities. It is our aim that members have the opportunity to increase their knowledge and awareness of issues impacting on the agricultural sector. This is achieved through the support of specialist workshops, guest speakers and the sharing of information in a confidential forum.
The branch usually meets monthly. No regular day in the month is scheduled to allow flexibility and opportunity for all members to attend meetings over the year.
Dryandra Women in Farming welcomes new members and encourage rural women of all ages and interests to join. Please contact the branch for more information and the next meeting date.
Gairdner Branch was established after an information day was held inviting women from around the Gairdner region, to attend and hear about the organisation - Women in Farming.
An official meeting was held in September 2023 and the Gairdner branch was formed.
For more information about joining Women in Farming Gairdner, contact the branch.
Kulin - Kondinin branch has a large number of members and is keen to keep extending that number. The branch although established only in 2019, has done quite a bit of forward planning. It is aiming to have guest speakers at the majority of meetings and would also love to hold some excursions through the year.
If you would like some more information on what the branch is about and when meetings are, you are welcome to email the branch.
The Lakes Women in Farming branch meets in Lake Grace approximately 8 times during the year. The enthusiastic members come from Lake Grace and surrounding districts. Branch meetings cover topics that are relevant to the farming enterprises members are involved in. Often the topics are presented by guest presenters.
Lakes enjoys gaining and sharing knowledge, especially through interactive excursions.
For more information about Lakes branch, contact the branch by email.
The Ongerup branch started in 2014 and is comprised of approximately 30 local farming women from Ongerup and the surrounding towns: Jerramungup, Gairdner, Nyabing, Pingrup and Borden.
Branch meetings are held monthly from February to October and ideally coincide with local day care to ensure mothers can attend. The branch aims to cover a range of topics at its meetings and has enjoyed presentations from several guest speakers.
Ongerup Women in Farming warmly welcomes new members as the more members, the more input the branch has. This leads to a greater opportunity to share and learn from each other.
For enquiries to the Ongerup Women in Farming branch, please email .
Women in Farming has an Online branch for those who do not have ready access to a local branch, usually due to distance. Members of this branch access resources and partake in discussions via the organisation's social media pages, similar to members from all other branches.
This branch is administered by the Women in Farming Board. Please email the Executive Officer of Women in Farming at eo@womeninfarming.org.au for further information.
Tammin branch is our most recently formed branch in the Women in Farming organisation.
Following an information day in August 2024, the branch immediately held a formation meeting due to the high interest in starting a branch.
Anyone residing in areas around Tammin, is welcome to join.
For more information about joining Women in Farming Tammin branch, contact the branch.
Varley Women in Farming hold their meetings in either Varley or Lake King. Members come from as far as Hyden, Ravensthorpe and Newdegate to attend the network meetings.
The branch enjoys varied meetings which include farm tours and public speakers alongside more informal discussions on all aspects of farming life.
Varley Women in Farming welcomes anyone with an interest in farm business to come along - simply email with enquiries.
Wagin holds its meetings monthly at the Baptist Church in Wagin. Meeting days alternate each month to allow for work schedules. The branch has had numerous field trips and study days. Usually childcare for meetings, is organised with a qualified member of staff in a specially designated room in the building. The room has an assortment of children’s toys and the kids have a great time.
The branch has around 16 members from all aspects of agriculture both on farms and off. Great networking opportunities and additional support from those who understand the complexities of farming life are readily available within this branch. Email us for more information.
The West Arthur branch started in early 2015 and had a membership of over 30 in the first year. The branch is amazed at the support received by the local women and the community during its establishment.
Monthly meetings have seen plenty of lively discussion and an amazing amount of tips and tricks shared between the group, with huge benefits to all members. The branch is lucky to have a local Community Resource Centre where it holds meetings and the CRC has also been a great support to the group.
Organised childcare is an important part of allowing all women to attend meetings and the group has been fortunate to receive funding support from Bendigo Bank to assist with crèche costs for children during meetings. As well as monthly meetings, the group have organised various ‘field trips’.
For enquiries to the Women in Farming West Arthur Branch, click to contact us.