About Women in Farming

Filling a gap!

Women in Farming identified the need for a professional network for women involved in agriculture. It has become the support network, a place for the sharing of ideas and other management perspectives in a professional environment.

Farm business management is critical to farm profitability and sustainability and Women in Farming recognises skills are required in this area. It links with outside expertise to address knowledge gaps.

Be a part of this vibrant, supportive organisation!


As the Women in Farming model was shared, the network of branches expanded. Now there are branches spanning from Albany in the south, Varley in the east, Boyup Brook in the west, Kondinin to the north and many branches in between. 

At times there are informative events open to both members and non-members, provided by a Women in Farming branch in your area.


Meetings at branch level are held with a culture of confidentiality and trust, as we learn from each other. Each branch agendas their own meetings to ensure they meet the needs of their members.

Guest speakers may be in attendance to provide expertise, aid member discussion and assist with the sharing of experiences.

Many branches organise a crèche facility; having small children should not be a barrier to attending a Women in Farming meeting.

Membership Benefits

  • Access to regular branch meetings with a local branch - a place to ask questions, share knowledge and learn.

  • Early bird tickets to the Annual Seminar

  • Regular news and updates from Women in Farming via our newsletters

  • Invitation to join our ‘Members Only’ Facebook Group

  • Access to our Resources via the members’ portal

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Beginnings

Established in Varley in 2009, Women in Farming is a network of branches across Western Australia. Through the sharing of ideas, Women in Farming is committed to improving knowledge and management of farm businesses.  

“I think of Women in Farming as my professional development.

Each time I attend an event or a meeting, I know I will bring home practical knowledge I can implement in our business.”