Women in Farming
BOARD 2024
Courtney Wilson
Cranbrook branch
Courtney farms with her husband Jack on his family’s mixed sheep and cropping farm at Cranbrook. They have two boys born in 2016 and 2020, who love farming! Courney has a passion for sheep more than cropping but does admit to looking forward to harvest each year.
While at uni undertaking a Batchelor of Business degree, Courtney developed a great interest in the event management industry and ended up majoring in that field. Moving back to the farm however, saw Courtney use her degree in the area that was in her original plan – accounting. She now works off farm, part-time, as an accountant. This has allowed Courtney to connect and support other women involved in agriculture – not only those on the farm but those involved in the many, varied aspects of agriculture.
For the last five years, Courtney has been involved in the Cranbrook branch and is currently in her second year as president. She was the event convenor when the branch hosted the 2022 Women in Farming Annual Seminar.
When not busy working, farming or occupied with her kids, Courtney can often be found on the road, driving around the countryside to get to various towns to umpire on netball courts across the Great Southern.
Carolyn Reid
Boyup Brook branch
Immediate Past President
Growing up on a developing farm with the most hard-working of parents was the best education ever according to Carolyn but she continued it in Perth, graduating from UWA in industrial relations and politics majors and some journalism units at Curtin. Moving to Boyup Brook in 1990 with her husband, they built up a sheep and cropping enterprise together but found it important to maintain involvement in organisations including the Kondinin Group and Australian Open Gardens, as well as a myriad of local community groups as their family grew.
Approaching 30 years farming in the same area and with children going through university and working in agricultural careers, Carolyn has a heightened interest in the future of our rural communities and ensuring they prosper.
Davina Gossage
Online branch
Vice President
Growing up in the country and having trained as a Naturopath with a Health Science degree, Davina is passionate about health and wellbeing, especially of those in small communities and rural Australia. She has a keen interest in sustainable agriculture.
Born and bred in Dumbleyung, Davina with husband Eric have three children with the eldest son currently farming alongside them as the 5th generation farmer on the property. Davina has been involved in a broad range of community groups and sporting organisations. This led to a diverse interest and skill set which she values as one of the many benefits those living and working in small communities gain. Other interests of Davina include yoga, meditation, golf, tennis and water sports.
Jane Kowald
Kojonup branch
Along with her husband Anthony, Jane runs a mixed cropping and sheep enterprise north-east of Kojonup. They have three children, one away at boarding school and two attending local government schools in Katanning. Jane studied Applied Geology at Curtin University and has worked in various roles in state and local government agencies with duties ranging from hydrologist to local landcare officer before recently returning to the farm full time.
Jane volunteers for many community groups including landcare, sporting and scout groups. Jane’s responsibilities on the farm include book keeping, HR management, sheep work and general farm duties. Off-farm interests include playing tennis, fishing, reading, sewing and crochet. Jane looks to Women in Farming as the platform to share information to keep up to date with advances in farming, networking opportunities and professional development.
Jenny West
Wagin branch
Jenny grew up in Perth then attended agricultural college where she fell in love with the country. She moved to a broad acre farm between Wagin and Dumbleyung, after meeting partner Sam. Here they farm sheep and crop with Sam’s parents. Jenny loves helping out around the farm while also doing the bookwork.
Sam and Jenny have three young children and Jenny is very involved with the local playgroup and toy library committees. Her current passion, apart from Women in Farming Enterprises and taking on the Wagin branch president role, is being involved with the Dumbleyung netball club - both playing and being a coach.
Naomi Hall
Gairdner branch
General Board Member
Naomi lives and works with her husband and 2 children at Gairdner in the Great Southern region of WA running 3000 head of sheep and cropping canola, wheat and barley.
With a passion for all things agriculture and promoting positive ag to as many people who will listen, Naomi came back onto the Women in Farming board to not only help our members but to continue learning as much as she can to better herself and her business.
When not working on the farm, you’ll find Naomi volunteering on many different local committees and driving children to various sports.
To relax Naomi enjoys being in the garden, sitting with a cup of tea or a glass of wine and tripping off in the caravan to new destination- as much as the farm allows the family to be away!
Laura Butler
Kulin-Kondinin branch
General Board Member
Laura lives in Narembeen with her partner Clint and puppy Charlie on a mixed farming enterprise of sheep and cropping.
A highly experienced professional, Laura has a strong business background across a range of sectors in WA including education, not for profits and financial services. She has completed a Master of Business Management at Swinburne University of Technology and a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) at Curtin University of Technology.
Laura is a professional member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and an Associate Fellow Member (AFAIM) of the Australian Institute of Management WA.
Peta Hubbard
Cranbrook branch
General Board Member
Peta lives and work with her husband, Jarrad, running a livestock agency for 10 years in the Wheatbelt and Great Southern. They have two sons.
Peta is a seasonal professional with significant experience in corporate agricultural. When Peta isn’t helping her husband, she is volunteering on many different local committees and driving children to various sports.
Peta is committed to advancing the role of women in agriculture, leveraging her extensive experience to empower and inspire others in this vital industry.
Women in Farming
STAFF 2024
Faith Day
Administration Assistant
Growing up travelling around Australia set the grounds to learn more about the land for Faith. Finishing high school in Northam WA as an agriculture student, Faith moved to the middle of Australia (450km east of Kalgoorlie on the Nullarbor Plain), following her heart.
Moving back to the big city, Perth, Faith settled into office administration which progressed to Chief Operation Officer within 4 years at a roofing company. Following her heart yet again, Faith moved to the Nullarbor Plains to marry her hard-working station boyfriend, build a loving home and start a family at Gunnadorah Station.
Now a mother of 3, Faith spends most of her time raising her 3 kids, teaching her eldest through Kalgoorlie School of The Air and assisting her husband Cameron, on the station when she can. On the side Faith enjoys building and renovating her home as well as re-purposing animal skulls as pieces of artwork and selling them through her little business called ‘Station Creations’.
Faith has been heavily involved with the local sporting club, The Nullarbor Muster Club Inc., having been the secretary for 6 years. She has stepped aside as her husband is the current president of the club. Since starting School of The Air, Faith has also joined other community organisations including the KalSOTA P&C as well as the Goldfields-Eyre branch of ICPA (Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association).
Having a passion for digital design and technology, Faith believes connection and communication is key when living so remotely which assists her in her role as Administration Assistant for Women in Farming.

Roxanne Morrissey
Executive Officer
Raised and educated in Perth for schooling and university studies, Roxanne has spent most of her life in rural WA. The majority of this time was spent in remote WA, owning and running a pastoral property in the lower Murchison with her husband and four children. Through her own experiences plus interactions with other rural women, Roxanne is very familiar with the demands placed on women in agricultural businesses.
As an active member of the community Roxanne has been part of various committees and organisations. A strong belief in equity of access to rural education led to a great involvement with the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association (ICPA) with president roles at both the state and federal levels. Roxanne has also been involved with policy and standards formation, rural representation and advocacy, agricultural producer trials and initiated numerous local workshops for rural producers.
Now residing on a property south of Harvey, Roxanne enjoys maintaining a connection to other rural women through her work with Women in Farming. Her strong belief in the importance of active communication, guides her relationship with Women in Farming members and branches.